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CIS1513_Winter_2015_Team 04: Ms. Zambrano - Project Manager, Blog Admin, Content Contributor Q&A 4/5/7; Ms. Quinteros - Team Member, Content Contributor Q&A 1/2/8; Mr. Chukwu - Team Member, Content Contributor Q&A 3/6

Question 6

Either from your own experience or by searching the Internet, describe a well-planned and executed project.  Describe a disastrous project.  What were some of the main differences between these projects?

A well-planned and executed project is a project that satisfies its goal. It involves a strategic planning process in which the scope, time and cost provides the result expected to complete the project. 
The project manager also uses the SWOT analysis method to understand the risks and resources needed in order to avoid surprises and achieve the project objective. 
A disastrous project is a project that the goals are defined, but there is no well-plan method in order to achieve the project goals. This type of project is always unsuccessful because of lack of management to know the right resources needed to complete the project.

The major differences between a well-planned project and a disastrous projects are:
1. In a well-planned project the project objective is accomplished.
2. The project manager has a better understanding of the resources needed to achieve the project objective.
3. The disastrous project finally becomes a great loss since the project aim is not achieved. 


Unknown said...

Personally, I was involved temporally with an interface project development which indeed was a disastrous project. The project's programming was outsourced to India made communication a big issue as well as the time difference when it came to making alterations which meant each change will take at least 24hrs to be processed by the virtual team in India. This project has been going on for about a year at a high cost to develop. But the project manager leadership was poor as well and disorganized.

gaby said...

The absence of planning in a business environment or in personal life, usually lead to excessive efforts and unsatisfactory results. In the IT manager world, planning is the key for a successful project. Indeed, more complex is the project, more time is require in phase plan. A well-plan project gives directions and creates a contingency plan for unexpected problems. Take in consideration the most popular unsatisfactory project of 2014, "Obama care reform health project." Millions of dollars were assigned to perform this project, but time frame for execution was too short to accomplish such of complex project. According to the web page, Obamacare Fact (www.obamacarefact.com) "ObamaCare’s cost is estimated at up to net cost of $1.36 trillion dollars by 2024." Personally, I experienced some of the laid back of the process, and others malfunction of the website. So, I can concluded that money doesn’t guaranty success, however is necessary. But, investing the right amount of time in the planning process, will help us to understand all the risks and create a plan B or C, including deploy decisions. In addition, an executed project is directly proportional to a well-planned project.

techteacher said...

Great point Gaby! Good! Pf. Forman

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